When Musicians Have Meltdowns

US On-stage tantrums of the rich and famous      18/04/24

When Musicians Have Meltdowns

After reports of a minor meltdown by Damon Albran at Coachella earlier this week, this article covers some of the most famous meltdown moments from some of the scenes biggest names. The list includes Elton John, Justin Bieber, Smash Mouth, Green Day, Royal Blood and more, who have clearly reached their limit of tolerance! Here's an excerpt: 

Elton John, a man who is no stranger to tantrums, went berserk at a Las Vegas audience in 2018 when some members who'd been invited on to the stage made the mistake of getting too close to him. After attempting to sing Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting while screaming "Fuck off" off-mic between lines, John eventually abandoned the song and left the stage, only to return to ban people from coming on stage in future. "You fucked it up!" he growled.

Justin Bieber is a man who for more than a decade has visibly bristled whenever he comes into proximity with overzealous fans. In Norway in 2015, an audience member spilled some water on his stage. "What are you doing? Stop it! Listen to me!" he yelled, before trying to wipe up the spill. But when they tried to grab the rag he used to clean up the spill, he stood up, huffed: "Never mind, I'm done, I'm not doing the show," and left the stage.

Read the full article here: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2024/apr/16/tantrums-rich-famous-nine-acts-turned-on-audience-elton-bieber-blur


What have been your most memorable meltdowns? 

About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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