Yamaha Want To Know What Your Synth Ideas Are

US IdeaScale is a new community platform for discussion      08/08/18

Yamaha Want To Know What Your Synth Ideas Are

An interesting development from Yamaha, perhaps fueled by the approach Behringer have been taking of late - which encouraged users to tell them what they want in a synth - or perhaps not.

Obviously most manufacturers do encourage user feedback and input into current and future design plans, but most of this tends to work in a behind the scenes way - artists and users are contacted by the the designers and asked for their input into work in progress or sometimes for some blue sky thinking.  Certainly Yamaha are one of the few remaining classic large corporations who've continued to work with a more closed approach and not responded to the upsurge in analogue electronics in the same way as some of its competitors.

Their approach has been more glacial than others, with the classic five year plan at the heart of their corporate development strategy. Roland for example, have really accelerated their product cycle and introduce a large number of new products and ranges by comparison. Presumably this is not a problem for Yamaha as they continue to do well with their Montage and Motif iterations. 

But with the introduction of IdeaScale - they are now actively encouraging a more open user input model. Whats also interesting is that IdeaScale is a third party "idea management platform that uses crowdsourcing to help you find and develop the next big thing"


Join our new IdeaScale community and let us know your ideas!

Got an idea for new synthesizer design or feature? We have just the group for you. We've set up a new IdeaScale community for you to tell us your thoughts.

Yamaha Synths has launched IdeaScale, an online community for synthesists to come together and discuss ideas! Participants are encouraged to share their own personal customer feedback on the Yamaha synthesizer products they work with.

You'll need to register with IdeaScale before you can submit your awesome new synth design, but once in, you can let them know what you want, or don't want in the new forum. They do also say that there limited slots available, so you'll need to hurry.

Once in you have access to post your ideas and concepts which will be voted on by the community - presumably it if gets enough traction, Yamaha may decide to take it on, or it may influence future synth design.

The sort of posts you'll find there are:

  • Rack version of Montage [11 votes]
  • CS16 Advanced Analog Poly 16 voice Synth [9 votes]
  • Controller keyboard like the KX76 [2 votes]

So, the doors are open, why not step in?



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