Brighton Modular Meet 2017: Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe

US We sat down with Rob to discuss the creative process and what lead him to using a modular      24/07/17

Brighton Modular Meet 2017: Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe

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Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe has been focussed on using a modular synth and his voice to create work for quite some time now. His practice lives very much in the world of live performance.

Using a very small modular system and his voice Robert takes you on a journey with every performance. We have been keen to talk to Robert about his creative process and how he came to using the modular ever since we saw his performance at Superbooth 2016.

In this interview we tried very hard not to talk about certain modules, but instead to focus on what the modular means as an instrument and how that is related to Roberts practice.

Watch the full performance here

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