NAMM 2015: Gibson Les Paul Reference Monitors... Yes You Read That Correctly

If you didn't already know about these - this is worth a watch   22-Jan-15

    MP4 12:17 mins    

When Gibson announced that they were to release a line of Les Paul reference monitors we, like many others, thought "well... why?".

The company already owns KRK, which makes some great value studio monitors, so why did they need their own branded reference monitors?

But when you learn that these monitors have been two and a half years in the making, then you have to at least give them a fair listening to and see what they're all about.

Gibson want these to be studio-standard reference monitors - and there's a hell of a lot of competition in that field.

It's particularly ballsy given that Gibson are new to the field (they haven't worked with KRK at all on this product) and producers and engineers are often reluctant to change reference monitors because referencing is all about familiarity with what you are referencing on.

But the Les Paul monitors, which come in three different sizes, don't sound hyped, but they somehow sound incredibly intimate.

It's the kind of intamacy you usually get from wall monitors in plush residential studios, the vocals are right there with you.

These aren't necessarily the characterstics of a great set of reference monitors - some people like referencing on monitors that sound a bit, well, crappy - but the Les Paul monitors are clear, balanced, fairly flat and quite honest.

For all the hype around the speakers... the speakers certainly aren't hyped.

Filmed by Rob Hicks
Written by Richard Beech

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