Yamaha Mark MOTIF 10th Anniversary With Chick Corea Sound Set

US Special box bundle includes an exclusive Chick Corea Fender Rhodes sample library      13/06/12

Yamaha Mark MOTIF 10th Anniversary With Chick Corea Sound Set

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Yamaha are to mark ten years of highly successful Motif instruments and innovations with the production of a very special box bundle which includes an exclusive Chick Corea Fender Rhodes sample library.
Yamaha tells us that what makes this sample collection truly unique is the direct involvement of Chick Corea in the process. The sound library, already used by Corea in his Motif XF8 on the recent 'Return To Forever' reunion tour, is based on lovingly preserved samples of Chick's own personal Fender Rhodes Mark V- the model he worked on developing directly with the creator himself Harold Rhodes. Chick's personal Mark V underwent significant modifications at his suggestions- the new Yamaha MOTIF library is 100 % true to these intricate and often minute tweaks all of which combined to create the unique Chick Corea Rhodes sound.
Some of the original piano modifications offer a fascinating insight onto the closeness of the Harold Rhodes/Chick Corea relationship and his search for the perfect Rhodes sound. They include hammers being modified from the standard neoprene hammers to wooden hammers in the middle of the keyboard- thus creating an 'almost' split keyboard effect allowing notes to be voiced with a punch and clarity very distinct from other standard Rhodes models.
The Yamaha sample sessions deployed a specially designed ' Vorestzer' player piano mechanism in order to accurately capture with total accuracy the balanced velocities across the entire keyboard scale. The 400MB 12 voice collection is not looped and the full sustain of each note is maintained throughout.
An added bonus is a demo song played by Chick Corea to help users learn how Chick interprets the voices himself.
Chick Corea had this to say about the sample collection, " The Fender Rhodes used goes back to 1981/1982, I kept this particular Mark V because I liked it the best. Over many years my keyboard technician Brain Alexander would make little mechanical improvements inventing new ways to make it sound better. It was difficult to keep it repaired , things would break , it would get shaken in the truck. I began to think it would be more convenient to try to sample the instrument. When we finished the whole sampling process the file was huge, a really big, big, big file, when I put it on the laptop and played the sound was tremendous but one problem was latency. I asked my friends at Yamaha - could you take this sound and put it in a way to be able to be played on the MOTIF. The Yamaha engineers took the large file and did some things to it- when I tried it I was happy to see the sound is a beautiful sound"
But that's not all - The Chick Corea sound set is complemented by a fantastic new soundset for MOTIF by Peter Jung's Symphonic Orchestra- voices include stereo strings, chamber strings, choirs and a wide range of orchestral and new sounds.
The 10th Anniversay Box Bundle includes the FL1024M Flash ROM board, a 4GB USB stick, the Chick Corea and Peter Jung sample sets and VST softsynths Prologue and YC3B.
Pricing and Availability:
Available in the UK and ROI in early June this limited edition bundle for MOTIF XF owners has a RRP of £355 / €429. There is also a number of kit options available for anyone thinking of buying a MOTIF XF which include this 10th Anniversary bundle. More information:

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