Manipulate Loops With Wii

US Wii Loop Machine for OS X ofers real time loop control - check out the vid      26/03/07

Manipulate Loops With Wii

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If you fancy the idea of controlling your computer music by waving your arms about you really have to see this. The Amazing Rolo has made available some software that allows the the wireless Wii remote to sync, control, and manipulate loops in real time. Watch as he demonstrates it in an online video.
Wii Loop Machine uses the aka.wiimote object for Max/MSP by Masayuki Akamatsu and allows granulation and pitchshifting of loops among other functions.
Pricing and Availability:
Now ready for free download as a standalone application that requires a Mac with OSX (10.4.8 or 10.4.9 recommended) and bluetooth and, of course, a Wii controller. More information and video:

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